12/16/2009 11:07:00 PM


For my idea,
My booth setup will be like something on picture below.
A curtain fabric white and a bulbs for the lighting to make shadow for the wayang kulit.
While for the interactive ,I'll put my laptop on a small table in front of the stage and user have to sit to start to play the informative part.

CD Information about

the wayang kulit ,
the history,
the making of puppet,
the charcters,
the musical instrument
and many more to exploring.

The things need to prepare

The characters of wayang kulit

The dalang ( not the real dalang but maybe my friend will help me on this )

The curtainAnd the bulbs .

Technical Requirement:

Macromedia Flash for animating images
Adobe Illustrator for vectoring images
Adobe Photoshop for manipulation images

Project Output:

The output will be on CD ROM version.

Expected Findings:

- User will be able to experience a new kind of information delivered in a new interactive method.
- By comparing virtual wayang kulit and traditional wayang kulit,user will be able to participant actively in the story process and this making them understand the story, the characters and the play much better.
-User will be able to gain more knowledge about bthe uniqueness of the ancient of wayang kulit.

Erk..It's the time!

Erk?Hurry up~!
No more time on rushing there and rushing here ..
My brother's wedding went smoothly yesterday and ..
It's the time to focus on this,my FYP!